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Moti Mala

Moti Mala

Moti Mala

  • Seller : RudraMala Store
  • Product Code : SNPB14
  • Reward Points : 10
  • Availability : 498
  • ₹589.00

  • Ex Tax : ₹589.00
  • Price in reward points : 10

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Pearls represents purity, innocence and integrity. They have long been considered ideal wedding gifts because they symbolize purity and innocence. In the Hindu religion, the presentation of an un-drilled Pearl and its piercing has formed part of the marriage ceremony.Pearls are said to have a strong magnetic healing power. Gem therapists believe that pearls strengthen the nerves, adrenal glands, spleen and muscular system. Pearls are also helpful with stomach ulcers.
Moti represents purity, innocence and integrity. They have long been considered ideal wedding gifts because they symbolize purity and innocence. In the Hindu religion, the presentation of an un-drilled Pearl and its piercing has formed partof the marriage ceremony.Pearls are said to have a strong magnetic healing power. Gem therapists believe that pearls strengthen the nerves, adrenal glands, spleen and muscular system.
Pearls are also helpful with stomach ulcers. They support the intestinal tract and stimulate digestion. They also relieve fever and headaches. Pearls provide vitality and strengthen your eyes. They also help in case of calcium deficiency.
The Jap Mala gives its wearer good health, prosperity, happiness, and peace of mind. It is known to ward off the negative or malefic effects of the planets, while strengthening the positive influences. Beads Gems Crystal Natural Stones Rosary Jaap Mala for Astrology Pooja Chanting or Wearing. Japa Mala Necklace – 108 Beads – Nine planets astrological mala. Use For Reiki, Chakra, Crystal Healing, Meditation, Vastu, clarity of thought, Healing, Vastu, Relaxation, Meditation, Positive Vibration.

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